Business & Corporate

Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) Benefits and Requirements

Many software and product companies, whether through licensing or commercialization of intellectual property products and services, are being built predominantly upon their intellectual property. Moreover, intellectual property plays a fundamental role in companies’ investment decisions. Intellectual property can be used as collateral to obtain financing, for valuation purposes in an equity offering, and can be the impetus for a merger or acquisition.

Tax Considerations for Equity Based Compensation Received from C Corporations

Tax Considerations for Equity Based Compensation Received from LLCs

Start-up companies seeking to incentivize founders and retain key employees often present such individuals with equity in their companies as part of the individuals’ overall compensation packages. Equity-based compensation is intended to align the interests of the employees with the interests of the company’s shareholders and investors.

Tax Considerations for Equity Based Compensation Received from C Corporations

Tax Considerations: Equity Based Compensation from C Corps

Start-up companies seeking to incentivize founders and retain key employees often present such individuals with equity in their companies as part of the individuals’ overall compensation packages. Equity-based compensation is intended to align the interests of the employees with the interests of the company’s shareholders and investors.

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