Patent on Newly Discovered Material

How would an entrepreneur go about patenting a newly discovered material? Say if they were to discover a room temperature superconductor, a discovery that would affect life as we know it. The first question you must ask is whether this superconductor exists in nature, or whether you had to create a special environment to foster its existence….

Intangible Assets

Don’t Wait, Protect The Intangible Assets In Your IP Portfolio Now Worldwide, the total asset value of patents (just one type of intellectual asset) is estimated at $1 trillion. Intellectual asset licensing revenues in the United States alone increased from $15 billion in 1990 to $110 billion in 2000, and is expected to be $500…

How to Reduce Patent Fees by 75%

The newly enacted Patent Laws make patents more important to obtain and more enforceable to carry. Best of all, in the midst of big corporate world’s patent cold war, the new Patent Laws open a door to let startups and early-stage companies join the battlefield on even ground.  Here’s how. The America-Invents-Act (AIA) created a first-to-file standard…

4 Important Crowdfunding Facts about Your Patent Rights on Kickstarter

 Here’s 4 Things to know about your Patent Rights on Crowdfunding Platforms such as Kickstarter. #4 is what most people DON’T know, #3 is the most important to know. 1.  First Come, First Serve:  The US patent system will only reward a Patent on an idea or invention to the first inventor who files a…

How Do Patents Grow Company Value?

Secrets Of The Business: How Do Patents Grow Company Value What do writers who reference Samsung and Apple in the same article have in common? They’re likely recycling speculative hearsay on the latest battle of the infamous “patent wars”. But through the midst of a journalist’s poor understanding of a highly technical area of our…

How Do I File for International Patent Protection (PCT Application)?

How To: Successfully Filing For International Patent Protection A PCT application is an international application that allows you to reserve your priority in most countries with a single filing. Once you have a PCT application on file, your application undergoes a form of “preliminary examination” in which the international search authority renders a patentability opinion.  With…

Do I Need Multiple Patents on the Same Invention?

Understanding When Multiple Patents Are Needed on the Same Invention When submitting an utility patent for a certain use of, for example, optical sensors, can this certain use of the sensor be protected for ALL types of sensors in the same patent? Or would separate applications have to be filed for different types of sensors?…

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