101 Rejection Reference Database – Art Unit 3791
Transportation, Construction, Electronic Commerce, Agriculture, National Security and License & Review
Examiner: Agahi, Puya
Patent Assignee | Patent Application |
Politecnico DI Milano | 16/629997 |
A wearable device for the continuous monitoring of the respiratory rate
Patent Abstract
A wearable device for continuous monitoring of the respiratory rate of a patient, using a first inertial sensor positioned on the abdomen, a second inertial sensor positioned on the thorax, and a third inertial sensor being positioned on a part of the body not subject to respiratory movements, fixed with respect to the torso. Each inertial sensor includes a microprocessor connected to a transmitter configured for processing the signals and supplying a signal represented by a quaternion that describes the orientation of the inertial sensors with respect to the Earth’s reference system. A receiver is configured for receiving the abdominal quaternion of the first inertial sensor, the thoracic quaternion of the second inertial sensor, and the reference quaternion of the third inertial sensor and sending them to a control center configured for calculating the respiratory rate from the signals represented by a filtered abdominal quaternion and a filtered thoracic quaternion.
Reason for 101 Rejection | CTNF 9/24/2020
The Examiner asserted that the claim limitations recite a mathematical calculation and/or mental process that are capable of being performed by looking at the measurements and making a mental assessment. All additional limitations are recited at such a broad level of generality that they would tie up any technology directed to calculating respiratory rate from conventional sensors.The claim elements are all conventional and do not provide an improvement to the technical field. Therefore, the claimsdo not amount to significantly more than the exceptionitself and are drawn to non-statutory subject matter.
Remarks on Overcoming the 101 Rejection | REM 1/18/2021
To overcome the 101 Rejection, the Applicant cites Thales Visionix, Inc. v United States. In this case the court concentrated on the placement/location of sensors in a particular arrangement to more accurately calculate the position and orientation of an object on a moving platform such that the claims seek to protect only the application of physics to the unconventional configuration of sensors as disclosed. The applicant then proceeds to compare the location of the sensors for a more accurate calculation of the respiratory rate.
Examiner: Agahi, Puya
Patent Assignee | Patent Application |
Tata Consultancy Services | 15/895353 |
Method and system for detection of coronary artery disease in a person using a fusion approach
Patent Abstract
A method and system for detection of coronary artery disease (CAD) in a person using a fusion approach has been described. The invention the detection of CAD in the person by capturing of a plurality of physiological signals such as phonocardiogram (PCG), photoplethysmograph (PPG), ECG, galvanic skin response (GSR) etc. from the person. A plurality of features are extracted from the physiological signals. The person is then classified as CAD or normal using the each of the features independently. The classification is done based on supervised machine learning technique. The output of the classification is then fused and used for the detection of the CAD in the person using a predefined criteria.
Reason for 101 Rejection | CTNF 3/22/2021
The Examiner Asserts that the claims are directed to a mathematical calculation that amounts to a mental process of analyzing a plurality of physiological signals and making a mental assessment thereafter. The additional claim elements do not integrate the judicial exception into a practical application, rather they amount to mere data gathering.
Remarks on Overcoming the 101 Rejection | REM 5/25/2021
To overcome the 101 Rejection, the Applicant submits that there were no mathematical formulas that are not explicitly recited in the claims. Therefore, the claim does not recite a mathematical concept. The claims are amended to recite additional elements such that the claims as a whole are directed to solve a technical problem related to accurate segregation of diastolic heart sound to enable detecting a presence of CAD with higher sensitivity and specificity. This included introducing signal processing functionality to the claims, which go beyond the scope of mathematical concepts or mental processes.