
Yuri Eliezer Featured in U.S. News & World Report Article Discussing Patent Troll

“There are two common scenarios to how one becomes a patent troll. The first is the unfortunate scenario of a failed business,” says Yuri Eliezer, Founders Legal partner and patent attorney. “Ultimately, when a business fails there are assets that remain. One of those assets may be an intangible asset or a patent right,” Eliezer…

Interesting Patents: Twitter’s Latest Patent Filing Seeks to Identify “Fake News” Propagation

Interesting Patents: Twitter’s Latest Patent Filing Seeks to Identify “Fake News” Propagation

On February 18th, The USPTO published a patent application from Twitter, titled “Method of News Evaluation in Social Media Networks.” The method aims at identifying and evaluating news messages and their propagating behavior.

Interesting Patents: 3D Printed Medicine?!

Interesting Patents: 3D Printed Medicine?!

Is the future of medicine 3D-printed? On Thursday, January 15th the USPTO published a fascinating new patent from International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) that describes a method for 3D printing customized medication utilizing IoT sensors and the medical records of a user. The patent application, titled “PRINTING CUSTOMIZED MEDICATION BASED ON CURRENT USER DATA AND…

Data Privacy in 2021 – A Look at the Stats

Data Privacy in 2021 – A Look at the Stats

Welcome to the age of Data Privacy. Are your data processing agreements and privacy policies compliant with current regulations? We can help you develop sound policies and procedures that instill trust in your consumer base and garner respect from vendors. Our data privacy legal team is led by a designated Certified Information Privacy Professional, United…

Artificial Intelligence is Growing Exponentially

Artificial Intelligence is Growing Exponentially

Growth of A.I. Patents in the U.S. Shows Promise for Revolutionary Inventions The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) suggests that artificial intelligence has the potential to be the next revolutionary invention, according to their new report. The report showcases the exponential growth and diffusion of Artificial Intelligence within patented technologies from 1978-2018. Notably,…

The Korean Republic Now Ranking 10th in the Global Innovation Index

The Korean Republic Now Ranking 10th in the Global Innovation Index

Intellectual Property Trends Korean IP Counsel and Founders Legal retained associates, Kim, Hong & Associates, provides insight on the latest Intellectual Property application trends, noting, “an increase in the number of applications is remarkable in the untact (which means contactless environment) industrial field.” The firm continues, “While a negative economic growth in the worldwide major…

How Is a C-Corporation Different from an S-Corporation?

Both C-Corporations and S-Corporations are, at their core, corporations that are formed at the state level. The formation process, structure, and governance are usually identical for both.  The two big differences are: Tax law is what sets the differences between C-Corporations and S-Corporations. In fact, the name of each comes from Subchapter ‘C’ and Subchapter…

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