How Long Does It Take To Get A Patent?

“On average, it takes 2-1/2 years to complete the application process for a patent in the U.S., according to data in the infographic generated by online patent law service SmartUp. Mechanical engineering patents are likely to take longer, with average wait times clocking in at almost 33 months.” -Entrepreneur Magazine

Earlier this year we put together an infographic that goes over the most commonly asked questions about patents that was published on  Entrepreneur Magazine .This infographic describes the IP landscape in the wake of the new 2013 America Invents Act. The image illustrates the increase in patent applications filed from 2008-2013, as well as shows where the majority of these patents are coming on global, US, and individual levels. It also includes a segment that details the corporate players in the patent game, specifically which companies, government agencies, and universities are filing the most patents. The graphic then continues to layout the time frame for actually obtaining a patent, and provides information about which industries have the longest waiting period. Time will tell what effects the new legislation will have on the data presented.



Source: Smartup Legal